Sunday, April 26, 2009

St Mary's Sermon- 26th May

In our Gospel reading this morning we have another post resurrection encounter with Jesus- Jesus appears in a quasi mystical way to the disciples who are still trying to piece together exactly what has happened after Jesus died. They are frightened and full of hope all at the same time. When he comes to them here- They think he is a ghost but he dispels this by showing them his hands and his feet and by eating with them.
Luke wants us to know that Jesus is not only alive and he is still very human- but also that there is this whole other side to him- he is more than human- Jesus’ divine character now becomes revealed. It is understandable that they struggle to put this together.
In the 21st C we struggle to understand that Jesus is still human- and have a tendency to interpret everything he did as coming from his divine nature.
But in Palestine in AD30- the disciples struggle was the opposite- they struggled to understand his divinity- they had walked with Jesus, talked with him, eaten with him, seen him do the normal things of life- get angry- sad, laugh- mourn...their struggle here was coming to terms with the fact that this man that was not only human. (Remember the HS has not been poured out on them yet- they are trying to make sense of this on their own).
And so Jesus explains to them everything written about him in the law, the prophets and the psalms- which is code for- all of the Bible. But then, the passage says- he opened their mind to understand the scriptures... the disciples needed Jesus to do this for them...and we need this too...Why are we tempted to think we can understand this all on our own? We need Jesus to do this for us- and he does by his Spirit.
But wouldn’t you like to know what he said...wouldn’t you loved to have been on the Emmaus Rd or here with the disciples as he opened their minds to understand the scriptures.
What we do know is he explained why the Messiah had to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day...and that the gospel is about repentance and forgiveness of sins. And this is the good news they (and we) are called to share.
It is here primarily that I want to dwell today. The gospel is the good news of forgiveness...
We struggle to understand what forgiveness is for ourselves and for others who sin...and today I want to put that first in the context of the Tony Veitch case. I have heard some Christians say they do not know what a Christian response should be to someone who badly hurts another person ...should we forgive them...and I don’t know him personally- so does my response matter? If we forgive then is it condoning what he did? Surely he needs to be punished? There is a lot of confusion in the Christian community on this- and so I want to respond... because in life we all make mistakes – some bigger than others- and we need to learn to forgive ....Jesus’ whole ministry was one of helping us be forgiven and forgive others.
Our Gospel reading from Luke is very clear- the gospel is the forgiveness of sins...and we are told that this is what the disciples were called to share. Luke does not just talk about this once- but over and over again- and this passage at the end of Luke’s Gospel returns to the theme of forgiveness yet again- just in case Theophilus hadn’t got it yet! ...
We need to learn about repentance (that is saying sorry) and forgiveness (that is the healing part) – because we all do the wrong thing sometimes.... And these wrong thoughts and actions form barriers in our relationships. Jesus lived, died and rose again helping us remove blockages to a healthy and life giving relationship with God and also with other people.
We pray every service: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name...your kingdom come- your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread...and forgive us our sins as...
As we forgive those who sin against us....There it is...there is our forgive...That is the gospel...that although we sin- God forgives us and then calls us to forgive one matter what the sin is...and no matter how much of it there is. There are not white sins and black sins...there are no grey is all is all a barrier and no one person is too far gone for God to forgive them....and it must be the same for us. What Tony Veitch did was dreadful....but he deserves the chance to be forgiven as much as you or I for things we do that are wrong...that’s what God believes anyway...he does not rank his friends into good ones and semi good one..he doesn’t have a list of hopeless cases...he doesn’t love Christians any more than he loves Muslims or Jews or Mormons. He loves everyone the same and offers the same chance for us to love him and to be loved by him. He will never reject us...but will keep offering us chances to turn to him and ask for forgiveness...
So- Tony Veitch- we need to forgive him- the community needs to forgive him. He needs to hear words of forgiveness...and not words of condemnation and judgement. That is the only way he will find healing. And he needs healings as much as Kirsten Dunne-Powell. He is trapped in a prison of shame and guilt. It is this which is driving him toward suicide.
Without having statistics at hand- I believe our prisons are full of people who have been hurt by others and struggle to forgive them- therefore- they cycle of hurt goes on- they in turn hurt others. But many of us are trapped in these vicious cycles too– and internally we struggle to forgive ourselves for things we have done- and to forgive others for things done to us. These form bars that hold us back from freedom in Christ and they are as strong as any bars in an actual prison.
Jesus came to walk us out of this prison of guilt and fear into places of grace and freedom.
We knew a young girl who became pregnant living on a YWAM Mission base...a very awkward situation. However, the director of the mission said to her..Natalie the only difference between my sin and yours- is that you have something to show for it...a wise man and a godly leader...
How freeing that was for her...she needed to hear that and not be judged. She had made a mistake- so had the guy...but we all make mistakes. Some sins can be covered over and are not visible....a young pregnant woman is visible in a Christian community...she needed to find grace....
Let me tell you a story:
2 Buddhist monks were walking from one village to another and enjoying the sun and the exercise. They came to a river they had to cross and standing there was an old woman who was afraid to cross on her own. She asked for help. The younger monk knew that they could not help because monks cannot touch a woman...he looked away. The older monk however picked her up and carried her over the river and put her down on the other side. She thanked them and went on her way. The two monks continued on walking -in silence. About half an hour later the younger monk could stand it no longer and questioned the older monk.
Why did you do that? You know we are not allowed to touch women...we must remain are now not clean to enter the temple...if someone else saw you they would wonder what sort of monk you were- they might question your commitment to Buddha....on and on he went...
The older monk looked at the young monk..and said...Yes I carried her...but I put her down half an hour ago- you are still carrying her....
What are you carrying today that you should not be carrying?
We often carry things God never meant for us to carry. Hurts, disappointments, worry, harsh words, fear, guilt. Tony Veitch is an extreme example of someone carrying something we are not designed to carry...but this is a problem we all struggle with.
God wants us to learn that when we confess our sins- he is faithful and just.. and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every kind of wrong....No exceptions- so sin too big or too small...
He wants us to know that our sins are taken far is the east is from the surely as if we had dirty hands and when we washed them – the dirt is carried away down the drains and out to sea... God does not carry a list of past sins that you have asked forgiveness for---he has forgotten them.. They are buried at the bottom of the sea...forever.
And when God takes our sin away he restores us. Jesus does not just patch things up. He renews us. He lifts us out of the cycle of cause and effect into the realm of his grace.
It’s what Isaiah means when he said: ‘instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree.’ You see, instead of a curse there is now a blessing...Instead of a sinner there will be a saint.
I want you to understand the scope of God’s forgiveness for you. For it is only then you can share that forgiveness with others.
If you are carrying something you need to let go of this morning- you have friends in high places.
Have you ever wondered what Jesus is doing? We know he still has a what is he doing? And what is the Spirit doing?
Hebrews 7:25 and Rom 8:26 tells us they are interceding for us. Let Jesus help you...
Sometimes we need to talk with a trusted friend or minister...but know Jesus is praying for you. The Spirit is interceding to the Father on your behalf...that you will walk free from guilt and fear into grace and freedom...that you will find peace where there is where there is where there is hate.
I encourage you to respond to God this morning. You might like to use this communion time to bring anything you are carrying to God and lay it down. Go into this week with all the freedom of a risen God- who died for you to bring you forgiveness of sins, healing and blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Oops- it was 26th April not 26th May! Oh well- it's May soon enough!
