Monday, May 11, 2009

A spiritual person

I am preaching on loving and obeying this Sunday...John 15:12-17- remaining in the vine...and found this...
I think this is what abiding in the vine is all about and why it is practical advice for living. I am reminded that this chapter is sandwiched between Ch 14 and 16 where John tells us all about our need for the Spirit and his work...Yah!
Tell me what you think!

A spiritual person is not one who can memorize theological facts, conduct his life with flawless ethics, or busy himself with church programs.

A spiritual person is one who has learned how to walk in the Spirit, following His voice and being a vessel of God's character and power.

Religion is people doing works for God, without God's presence living in them and working through them. It is idolatry.

If a spiritual person is one who depends on God’s Spirit, obeying his direction and drawing his power, then learning to trust him is the essence of spirituality.
No greater challenge lies before anyone, than the adventure of learning to hear God's voice and to trust Him.
Wayne Jacobsen - Naked church (abridged)

1 comment:

  1. Religious people seem to have the answers, Spiritual people seem to realise they are broken and need constant guidance ... the first is usually trying to get thru your door to save you and the second knows that Jesus is the only door.
